Mgr. Marek Novotný, Ph.D. graduated from the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno, in 1999, where he also attained degrees in Political Science and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Studies, before earning his Ph.D. in European Studies.
In his legal practice, he has worked as a lawyer both for non-profit NGOs specialising in legal assistance provided to foreigners and in the commercial sphere. He has also taught at the Faculty of Economics and Administration and the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University Brno. He has completed a number of professional internships abroad (e.g. Summer School of Migration Studies at Oxford University).
Having passed the bar exam in 2004, he was listed as an independent attorney in the CBA List in 2005. In 2008, he and Mgr. Petr Václavek founded the AK Čechovský & Václavek, s r.o. law firm.
He specialises in administrative law (especially the immigration law and asylum law) and criminal law, but he also pursues his general law practice.
He speaks English and Russian.